The Aptofy FAQ
Yes they are only proctored only to help you perform better in tests..
The reports analyse voice and text of a person.The score is generated for Multiple choice questions,Multiple response questions, Fill in the blanks and questions with detailed answers. The reports are being video analysed at all times ensuring a live interview environment where you are being analysed in real world.
Assessments can be generated and evaluated for soft skill, technical, and technology questions.
Record your answer by clicking on the mic symbol,it turns green.tell your answer and then click on the mic button to make it red,that is mic recording has stopped. Then click on SAVE button . You may change the transcript if you require. Your Descriptive question has been recorded successfully. Click on Next to go to the next question/End Test.
You don’t get to answer a question many times in an interview.Correct the text in the transcript, and submit.However the audio analysis will not change.
Yes , it is mandatory to click on end test.This will generate the report.
Maintain Eye Contact
Use trainings to practice detailed questions of various types; logical, deductive , situational and descriptive .Make it a point to use Video, text and audio all 3 in your favour for acing in an interview.
A mirror doesn't have to be just for checking on your appearance. It's a great tool for self-reflection and building self-confidence.Trainings on Aptofy provide mirror .
The questions and answer both can have images.
Contact us aptofycare@unlimiteye.com
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Your test results along with recorded video will be analysed to reflect test result. However, in case of any malpractice the test will be declared invalid.